Cloud-based sales management vs. on-site sales management

August 01, 2021

Cloud-based sales management vs. On-site sales management: What's the difference?

Sales management is essential for any business that wants to thrive in today's market. With technology advancing at breakneck speed, it's important to evaluate the pros and cons of different sales management strategies. In this article, we will compare cloud-based sales management with on-site sales management.

What is on-site sales management?

On-site sales management refers to managing sales processes and data on servers within a company's physical premises. This can be beneficial as the data remains within the company's network and is only accessible by authorized personnel. However, it requires a significant investment in hardware and software, as well as ongoing maintenance costs.

What is cloud-based sales management?

Cloud-based sales management refers to managing sales processes and data on servers hosted by a third-party cloud service provider. This can be beneficial as it eliminates the need for a large initial investment in hardware and software, and the costs of maintenance are usually included in the subscription fee. Additionally, cloud-based sales management offers remote accessibility, making it easy to manage sales processes and monitor performance no matter where you are.

How do they compare?


The initial investment for on-site sales management can be significant, with companies needing to invest in servers, software licenses, and staff training. According to a study by Aberdeen Group, companies that switch to cloud-based sales management can reduce their annual IT expenditures by an average of 15.7%, with a 44% reduction in hardware costs alone.


On-site sales management provides companies with greater control over their data and can be beneficial for companies dealing with sensitive information. However, cloud-based sales management is often more secure, as cloud service providers have dedicated security teams that specialize in protecting against cyber threats. These teams employ the latest security protocols and are constantly updating them to stay ahead of emerging threats. Cloud-based sales management also offers an additional layer of protection through backup and disaster recovery services.


On-site sales management can be limiting as it requires personnel to be physically present within the company's premises to manage sales processes. Cloud-based sales management offers remote accessibility, allowing personnel to manage sales processes and monitor performance from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.


Both on-site sales management and cloud-based sales management have their pros and cons. On-site sales management is ideal for companies looking for greater control over their data and dealing with sensitive information. However, cloud-based sales management offers cost savings, convenience, and flexibility, making it an attractive option for many businesses.

We hope this comparison has helped you understand the differences between on-site sales management and cloud-based sales management. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your specific business needs and budget.


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